? About My Anemone


Reefing newb
Bought one today at my LFS my first one,Small Haitian Pink Tipped,acclamated for about 30 minutes put it in tank.Did good for about 5 hours now it has shrunk up,excreted a long tenacle and does not look good at all.Is this normal?All water parameters are in check,T5 Lighting.
I had fed the fish earlier with some shrimp,it has shrank up a bunch it is about ten times smaller then when i bought it.Not sure whats going on with it,it may be dieing.I will try and get a pic of it.
It could be because your tank is so new. Anemones have a hard time surviving in new tanks. They require pristine water conditions and generally need a tank that's at least 10 months old.
they also like a bit longer acclimation that 30 minutes. It is probably just stressed
