A newbie question


Reefing newb
Hello Everyone

I am in the process of setting up my first salt tank. I am converting a 55g freshwater tank into a saltwater tank. I was told by the store I visit frequently that I could buy 45 pounds of "base rock" and then buy another 10 pounds of "Live Rock". My question would be is that good sound information? And I am in the market for a protien skimmer and I came across this site : HOME has anyone used this device or know if it is worth a try? Thank you in advance for any information you can provide
Hi and welcome! You can definitely buy the majority as base rock then seed it with live rock. But I would lean more towards 100 lbs total for a 55 gallon tank instead of 55 lbs. The more live rock you have, the more biological filtration you have, and I think 2 lbs per gallon looks the best.

I've heard of that Eco-Aqualizer thing, and I've heard it doesn't work. If I were you, I'd go the old fashioned way and buy a protein skimmer. I don't think that right now there is a viable substitute for one. Are you going to have a sump? Or will your equipment hang on the back of your tank? Depending on which it is, we can recommend the best (and most friendly on the wallet) skimmers for you.
No sump for now too leery of drilling a hole in my tank. I will probably buy more base rock. If I have more base rock than live rock should I let the tank cycle longer to allow for the seeding before adding livestock?
You can't really "let" your tank cycle longer. It will take however long it takes. First ammonia will rise, then nitrites, then nitrates. In the meantime, ammonia and nitrites will drop. Once ammonia and nitrites drop to 0, your cycle is considered complete and you can do a water change to reduce the nitrates.

The best hang-on-back skimmers are the Aqua C Remora Pro, the Coralife Super Skimmer and any Octopus brand skimmers. I would check those out. They won't cost you an arm and a leg either.
Sea Clone 100 Protein Skimmer, no good? Also are bio-wheel filters better for saltwater tanks? Or would I need one if I get more live rock in my tank?
I would go with one of the ones Biff mentioned

If you have more live rock then you need less filtration, I have heard that bio-wheels don't work the best, but you will still need to run carbon
The Sea Clones are a waste of money. One of the biggest scams out there. Stay away from them, whatever you do. There are much better skimmers at comparable prices ($100 to $200 range). Biowheels aren't great for saltwater, they work fine, but you have to keep them very clean (like clean them weekly). They can lead to algae problems if you don't. If you get a good protein skimmer and have enough live rock, that's the only filtration you'll need.
You can always get an overflow box for your tank. Lots of people have went sumpless in the beginning to save money. You will end up spending more money when you buy all new stuff that works. Run from the seaclone like it's a fatty with the clap.
Biffs pretty much got you covered.Like she stated,A seaclone wont do much for a 55 gallon tank.
And like Oscae said,You can set up a sump with out drilling your tank.You'll just need an overflow box to get the water to the sump.
Stay away from the bio-wheel filters to.They'll just cause you a lot of salt creep.
The Eco-Aqualizer is a gimmick and a snake oil product.They did some test on other forums and it did absolutely nothing....get a real protein skimmer and a good one like Biff mention.The base/live rock,a good skimmer and a couple powerheads for flow will be all you need.
I can vouch for the Aqua C Remora. I just started in the fall my first 46g tank, and it sucks the stuff out like there is no tomorrow. I went sumpless, and although I wish I had one, I am happy I started without breaking my wallet and got to enjoy the process. I have a bio-wheel, but yanked out the wheel as its a nitrate trap, and just run filters and extra carbon in it.