The most important thing was the experiment was a success. The results were exactly like those described in the original article, "How to Cure Live Rock with Little Die Off". It cut the time to cure the rock from 4 to 6 weeks down to 6 days; that is a significant savings in time and money. Here is a summary of what I had and what I did:
1. I received 12 pounds of live rock Priority Mail, it took three day to get to me from the seller.
2. The rock was packed in wet newspaper in plastic bags and two of them smelled like salt water and one had a bit of an odor to it. I scrubbed the rock with a nylon brush in a separate salt water bath and discarded the bath water when finished.
3. I put the rock in a 10 gal aquarium with a salt content of 1022 at 75 degrees and treated it with Prime (any Ammonia neutralizer would probably work). I put a power filter on the tank along with a small power head for circulation and an 8 inch air stone for good oxygenation. I put an 18 watt Actinic light on the aquarium. The temperature was set at what is recommended for curing rock, less then 75 degrees, but later it was decided that a higher temperature is more beneficial for promoting life so the temperature was increased to 78.5 degrees. When I do this again I will start out and keep it at a higher temperature, i.e., 78 to 82 degrees.
4. Next, I fed the rock Spectra Vital daily. This may not be necessary but keeping to the original article instructions I fed the rock. The next time I do this I may leave this step out as there should be enough live food on the rock to feed its inhabitants. I also gave the rock a liquid calcium supplement (one time after a large water exchange); this I would do again.
5. Water changes. There was no instructions in the original article on water changes. I did up to 60% (total) water change over the first 4 days; this may have not been necessary because the Ammonia levels started at .5 and never got above that.
6. On the fifth day I added and Ammonia reducer called Ammonia Clear; this dropped the Ammonia levels to .25. By the end of the fifth day the Ammonia levels were even lower and the Nitrate levels were zero.
7. The sixth day saw chemistry almost normal. Ammonia steady at less then .25, Nitrates and Nitrites at zero, PH 8.3 and temperature at 78.5. The rock is ready for the aquarium but I’ve decided to wait a few more days and continue to monitor the chemistry.
I would like to thank the following forum members for their comments and suggestions that is some cases changed the course of my procedures: Bifferwine; dustin P74; Yote; daugherty; Phuture1; Teixeira29; JKraft136.