90 gallon cleaning crew ??

crazy cajun

Reefing newb
im new to salwater, i have a 90 gal system im putting together that will have fish and coral reef, ive been reading about cleaning crews ,i assume this is nessecary for keeping a clean tank??? wow everything i see shows a whole lot of creatures for a 90 gal cleaning crew i had no idea !! when i finish putting my tank in service is their a time i need to wait until i get a cleaning crew???
dont buy them all at once many of them will starve. there is just not enough food for them start out with a couple dozen snail and hermits and go from there. if it looks like you need more because they are not gettting the job done than add some more.
Once your tank has finished it's cycle you can add your CUC. You don't really need to add it all at once. You can add snails first, since they are the cheapest things, normally around 10 for 10.00, depending on what you are getting.
+1 everyone

Once the cycle is complete and you see algae is when it's a good time to add some CUC.Me,I prefer a crab-less CUC,hermits sometimes kill snails for shells.
+1 everyone

Once the cycle is complete and you see algae is when it's a good time to add some CUC.Me,I prefer a crab-less CUC,hermits sometimes kill snails for shells.

+1 Reefreak, And when Reeffreak says "sometimes" he means, all the time. :D