55g so far


Reefing newb
I really want to start in the right direction. Seems I've made a few mistakes already. Any advice on equip changing or setup please have at it.

What I have now.

1 fluval 304. Only media is foam and polishing pad
1 Aquaclear 50 power head
1 heater 100w
45lbs live rock
60 lbs live sand. Yup bag kind, blew my money. Goodbye 90 bucks!!

What is on the way.

200w heater
Protien skimmer
Aquaclear 50 power head

Let me know what you all think. I'm open to changes if not to expensive.

Thanks in advance



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Looks good so far. Could use more rock but you probably know that. Also you will need to clean the canister filter weekly so your trates dont go up. What type of skimmer is on the way?
Your tank is coming along...what kind of skimmer are you getting? For your filtration, all you need is 1-2lbs of live rock per gal and a good skimmer, and enough live sand...if you have those, you won't need that filter.
Thank you for the comments.
The skimmer thats on the way is a Seaclone 100. I know it's not the most expensive but from what I hear it's an absolute work horse. Not the best made but does the trick. I have no problems upgrading if you all think it's a bad choice.

There is a lady on craigslist who is selling her whole setup. She's got some really cool live rock for sale at $2 lb. Sound like a good deal?

How would I handle fully cured rock with my tank just starting it's cycle?

Again thank you for the info I really do appreciate it.

I can't give back to the community here with SW knowledge but if anyone has any questions about swimming pools I'm your guy. I've owned and opperated a pool service company for over 6 years now..
I hate to be the one, but the advice you got on the seaclone wasn't the most accurate. You are better off to not run a skimmer as compared to spending the money on the seaclone. Most of us have used one at one point or another and the general opinion is that they are a waste of time. The SC100 in particular is just not designed properly to accomplish much, and they get top dollar for them. You should return the SC if you still can and look at other options. My first skimmer was a SC because that's all I could afford. Shortly after buying it and altering it in every way I could to try to make it actually skim, I finally ended up having to replace it anyway and just wasted the money I spent on it. Some of the users here have said that THIS is a good skimmer. For the money, you will be way better off than buying the seaclone.
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oh no those seaclones are complete crap unless they are on a 30gal tank or less that is lightly stocked. when i first got into the hobby i had one and it sucked ass. i could never keep it set so that it was working and even when it did work it did not pull out much crap
I was trying to be PC, but James pretty much summed it up here.
oh no those seaclones are complete crap unless they are on a 30gal tank or less that is lightly stocked. when i first got into the hobby i had one and it sucked ass. i could never keep it set so that it was working and even when it did work it did not pull out much crap
As far as the cured LR, do it. It will be just fine adding it to your tank even though you are still cycling. Any time you move LR out of water, and change its exposure to the light, you will have some die-off, even if it's cured. So you could still see a cycle when you add new LR, even in an established tank. Putting the cured LR into a tank that is cycling won't hurt the cured rock, as long as there aren't any delicate corals on it that you are trying to preserve. Just know that you need to wait till your cycle is completely finished before adding any livestock, and adding this new LR, even though it's cured, may prolong your cycle a bit.
All good advice right there.
You'll also need some flow.I just dont think that aquaclear powerheads will cut it in a 55.I'd look at adding a couple of the Koralia #2s or even 3s.
You need enough flow to keep waste from settleing out before the skimmer can get it.
Frickin LFS is full of you know what.. I canceled the order on the skimmer. I have a few bucks I could spend, any thoughts on any?

You would think I would know to research the forums before buying equip. When I got into aquatic turtles I did and everything went smooth.:frustrat:

I'll grad a couple of Koralia's. Should I go with the #2's or #3?
From what I've read seems many have two #3's in a 75g. Whould two #2's do the trick?

So glad I found you guys seriously..
i would go with at least 1 k2 and 1 k3

i have 2 k3's and 1 k4 and a couple mj1200 in my 75. i think the more flow the better but that all depends on what kind of corals you may want
I don't plan on adding any coral in the near future. I would like to be successful with a FOWLR for some time before moving on. I this case would the #2's be enough?

There are so many skimmers out there hard to decide. I have 2 bills I can spend.
If and when I do decide to move on would the #2's no longer do the job? I don't want to waste my money if I'm gonna need to upgrade later down the road.

Any recommendations on a place to purchase the octo skimmers?
no you can just add more or sell the 2's for a bit and buy new ones. i almost always keep anything like that just incase i may need it in the future.
With your aquaclears,and a couple of K2s,I think you'll be alright on flow for a while.But even when you do decide to add corals,just get a couple more K2s or K3s along with what you already have.
You'll know you got to much flow when all your sand is suspended in the water.:D
Haha! Everyone is right on about the skimmer. I too bought a SeaClone when I first started this hobby. Worst $120 I ever spent on my tank! Octopus skimmers are by far the best for the money -- and they are not that much more expensive than SeaClones.
I think I'm gonna buy the octo 100F. Any thoughts?

Could I do two #3's and leave the aquaclear for mixing salt and a spair. Will the #3's let me grow my tank when the time comes?
I've not run an Octo skimmer YET.But may in the not so far off future.But I've only heard good things about them.
You could go with a couple of K3s and use the aquaclear for mixing saltwater.And yeah,the 3s will be fine as your tank grows.Matter of fact,I got either 3 or 4 of the K3s in my 125,along with 4 of the K4s.:D