55 Gallon Community Stocking Idea

I don't think cardinals should be considered semi-aggressive. In my experience, they are very passive. They do fine in larger groups. Be careful though, if you get big ones. They are carnivores and have been known to eat smaller fish that they are housed with, although I think that's really rare.
Just keep your stocking limit in mind, but i think all of the fish you have choose are great.

Also by doing research first (as you are, which i love) you can decide which order to add them. As someone mentioned, by stocking passive to aggressive you should save yourself some from the new fish aggression issue. I would put the cardinals in first, then the jawfish, then the clown.

Also, my cardinal is single and does fine, but they will live happily with other members of their own species. The nice thing about them is, i think, is that you can add them at different time. So you could add a couple of cardinals over a period of a month, which is better for adding your first fish.

The clowns should be added together though! Such grumpy little beasties :)
OK. Here is the order in which I will add my fish:

1.Bangaii cardinal (I think I will just stick with 1 if it doesn't matter)
2.Yellowhead jawfish
3.Pair of clownfish
4.Once the tank is well matured, a flameback angel

Does that sound like a good plan? The first three are pretty common so it shouldn't be a problem adding them in order.