4w per gallon.or more

next week im gonna do an upgrade on my light I want to get metal h lights,i think they look really good..i will check how much it is to replace the bulbs..im looking to spend about $450..how much watts should I look in to for my tank..I
want be able to have clams,hard corals..all...will 4w per gallon be ok..or more
I assume you are switch from fish-only to reef. If you only have fish, there is no need for the extra wattage. If you are switching, the depth of your tank is what is important. For those who use metal halide, the general rule of thumb would be 150watts for 12 inches or less, 250watts 13-24inches, 400watts 24-36inches, 1000watts for anything deeper (usually only used in public aquariums). This would be for the section of the tank covered by the particular fixture, so if you have a 6ft (lenth) tank, you would need at least 3 of fixtures of whatever wattage you choose.

Also, temperature of the bulbs are important. The lower the rating down to 6500k will cause a lot of growth, but will cause other things to grow faster also such as green algae. On the higher end 22000k will have very little growth and will be almost purple. Many go with 10k or 14k for a good balance.
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If you have a standard 6' long 125g tank you want at least 3x175 or 3x250. Unfortunately, unless you DIY everything you won't find lighting under your $450 budget. If you DIY, you can find magnetic ballasts on Ebay for about $40 each but you want to use quality bulbs and they run about $50+ each.
I have some corals..open brain,flower pot,zoo rocks,i have some 2 high output fixtures,i was going to add them too..the way I have my rock is in the middle.the tank is 23" h.
Sorry my phones camara suck.
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Jump on Craigslist...You'll be able to find used MH lights that are in your budget easy...or check a local reefers site...
nice! :)

3 would cover the entirety of the tank.

If you do only get 2 however you can still keep any corals just make sure they are under the Halides :Cheers: