29 Restart


Fish Wrangler
Starting the 29 over, changing sand rearranging making some additions and cleaning, started taking sand out smelled like eggs, I know what that means, god it sucks.
Its hard to keep sand from collecting detritus and thus be becoming a danger to the tank. People have stirred up old sand baeds, released too much detritus and started a killer cycle. Or worse hydrogen sulfide built up in the sand bed, got released and killed everything very fast.

Strong flow and floss will catch more detritus. I also like to manaully stir small sections of my sand bed every few days. My sand bed stays pretty clean.
Thanks sen, just changed it all so I am going to try and maintain this better I guess, maybe implement a stir cycle to the sand when i do my water changes etc.
What actually happened that got you too this point?

If you are worried about sand crashing your system then run a shallow bed of an 1''.