29 gallon biocube stocking


Reefing newb
Hello everyone,
So im not really new to the hobby but figured this would be the best place to post my question.
I'm putting back up my 29 gallon biocube and was planning on doing a mainly invert tank with lots of little active critters.I particularly like chocolate chip starfish but would be willing to give that up for a REALLY cool shrimp or something. The tank will have a lot of live rock and the only fish would be a clownfish or 3 damsels. I was wondering what type of inverts you guys would recommend to put in my tank. I would also like recommendations on cleanup crews(my downfall last time). Thank you for your time.
I got a Pyjama Cardinal, a Mandarin Dragonette, a 3 or 4 inch Midas Blenny and a very little Fiji Blue Devil in my Biocube 29.
Check out sexy shrimp. Get a small group of them, like 6+. They dance together. Fire shrimp are also nice (but you can only keep one). I would pass on the chocolate chip star. You are going to want some sort of coral down the road, and those stars are not reef safe.