

Reefing newb
what is this thing? it looks like some sort of snail but not really sure if i should keep it or throw it out. i have a fighting conch that looks similar and has been buried in the sand for about a month now. (i have heard they bury themselves when they lay eggs) but they also bury themselves to sift sand and eat detritus. this one is about .5cm long. so what should i do?


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i looked them up on the internet and i am not sure that is what this is. this thing has the regular two antena's on the front and that bigger thing that you can see in the pictures. so it has three antena looking thigs coming out the front (which is why i am leading toward conch) you cant really see in the pics but it has some sort of clear coating on it also. if it is stomatella is it reef safe?
The last picture is much better. Can see more of it. I bet Biff will know what it is for sure.

Where is she when you need her!?! :HELP!:
Oh... I see. Wow! I guess if you've had them a while and haven't had any problems, then.... probably harmless. Guessing of course. I don't know :pooh: when it comes to these things.
the first set i am not really worried about seems how there is only one but the second pic i posted there used to only be like 2-3 now i have like 100 what eats those? ir is the best way just to siphon them?
Most of the baby snails wont make it to adulthood.The fish and inverts will pick them off.
I wouldnt worry about em.What does survive will just be free additions to your CUC.
The last pic is deffinatly flatworms. Sixlines will sometimes eat them. You can use flatworm exit by salifert (this is the best product)
There are many species of flatworms. If that one is clear then it could be one that feeds on copepods, and not as much of a threat from what I hear. The brown or red flatworms are the ones to worry about.
from what i have seen they are only in my fuge. after hearing flatworms and seeing how fast they reproduced. i FW bathed everything in the fuge for 30sec and drained the fuge filled it with hot FW and then refilled with SW i am still waiting to hook it up again. i want to make sure my salinity is stable.