ϟ Crystal/James 90g Upgrade ϟ

Our new rock is ready to go in our tank... not sure if we're ready and if our fish/corals are ready either lol! It's about 20-25lbs of rock, our tank will look better with it added..just not sure when we want to add it.

Ordered new salt and algae sheets on the 26th, algae is out for delivery.. salt on the other hand was suppose to be here on the 30th, our Fedex in GA shipped it back because someone damaged it. DrFoster said it'll be here within 5 business days.. hope so! We were supposed to change our water Friday and had no salt.. :-\

Sharing Pics with others makes me smile..so here ya go :)

Even closer close up lol


Fuzzy Mushroom eating a pellet


~ New pics from yesterday ~

Polyps.. neon green under actinics

Pagoda Cup


Neon Tip Torch



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local groups are great. makes the hobby a lil cheaper. and great when tearing a tank down(me) and i just shipped some corals up to GA this week. love all the pics. i just sold a lady my frog like yours that had 6 heads on it for $30. :(
local groups are great. makes the hobby a lil cheaper. and great when tearing a tank down(me) and i just shipped some corals up to GA this week. love all the pics. i just sold a lady my frog like yours that had 6 heads on it for $30. :(

Yep most definitely, LOVE being a member of this group lol Oh wow, $30 was a steal.. How much do you ship corals to GA for?
lol you take like 100 pics and get my 2 or 3 good ones....it also helps if you are very still and have the patience to sit there and wait for it to come to where you have your camera set....and dont use a flash....other then that you get lucky...
From our local frag swap we got the Encrusting Red Montipora which is in the pic above next to the Foxface. Also, some Pulsing Xenias & another Neon Tip Torch (it had brown jelly though so we through it out).

Looking to get a Skunk Cleaner soon.. can't wait, always wanted one!
Got a package from ReefWorks the other day! Wonderful Christmas present from James' sister :) Green Torch, Pink Montipora, Plate Coral & some different mushrooms!

Christmas FTS

Plate & baby Torches

Love these pink polyps!

Zoas :)

Hammer, mushroom, green monti
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