Anemone Health


Reefing newb
Hi All,
A coworker recently left and passed along fish tank duty to me. The anemone kept in the tank moved away from the light in the past week and I'm not sure if it's healthy or not. It is kept in the tank with 2 clown fish. I don't know too much about keeping a fish tank but have just been following the coworkers instructions. I posted a few pictures. The first two are of the one anemone that has moved in the past few days and the third one is of the clown fish. The last one is the other anemone which has not moved at all. Do you all have any advice about whether or not they are healthy and what I can do to help?

Thank you for your time!


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Hello and welcome to the forum Jacqueline! Is this a tank at your workplace? Might be useful to know a little more about it - ie the size of the tank, water parameters, etc.
Becky is right. Whatbyou have are called Rose Anemones. When hsppybthey will stay put. Ifbthey kovevit could be for a varuetynof reasons. Yours look healthy though in your pics.
Thank you both for your responses! Unfortunately I don't know a lot about the tank except that it is 10 gallons and right now the salinity is 1.024 SG. The temperature in the tank is 76 degrees. The light hasn't changed since my coworker passed the fish tank duties down to me, so I'm fairly certain that's not what caused the anemone to move. Do the other specs seem reasonable? thank you both again!!
The limited info you provided seems okay. Are you testing your water? When was the last water change? Nems like cleaner water
I agree with fastrd400. The RBTA's appear healthy but if one of them is moving something has changed that it doesn't like. They are very resilient anemones so that is a plus. Mine haven't moved in years. Hopefully it will settle for you soon.