Healthy coral?


Reefing newb
How do you tell if coral is healthy or not when buying from LFS? I want to add this LR piece with all this coral attached. Is it healthy? And see below my most recent stats. Guy in fish store said it would be good idea and ok to add this coral.


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When the nitrites drop to zero (which means undetectable because the nitrates are consuming them so fast) that's when the nitrate spike comes, at that time you can begin water changes to help lower the nitrates. After the nitrate dropes below 20 ppm you can slowly add corals / fish. Just take it slow only bad things happen fast in this hobby.
When the nitrites drop to zero (which means undetectable because the nitrates are consuming them so fast) that's when the nitrate spike comes, at that time you can begin water changes to help lower the nitrates. After the nitrate dropes below 20 ppm you can slowly add corals / fish. Just take it slow only bad things happen fast in this hobby.
Thank you. Would you suggest adding the coral or fish first?