New here looking for help with CCStar


Reefing newb
Hi there I'm New to the site and was hoping you could help me figure out what is wrong with my chocolate chip star. I have had him in my 40gal tank for 6 months now and he has been doing great until this week. I noticed he has been curling upside down a lot lately which is unusual and mainly staying at the bottom corners of my tank. Is there anything I can do for him? I noticed my temperature has been fluctuating but I replaced the heater, I also noticed a nitrite spike today but I did a 5gal water change right away.


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I wish I had a answer for you but I have never had a chocolate star because there are not reef safe. I know stars in general do not like any type of swings in temp, salinity or PH. More then likely its the temp issue. Try and keep the tank stable and wait and see.