clown fish

i count 8 :D:ROFLMAO::D:ROFLMAO:
but you use the adult size of the fish to go by. 1/2" of adult length per gal of water or 1 5" fish to every 10 gallons of water
This is not a 5 yr old tank. It is not possible. Where's the coraline? The sand bed is to white, but I'm sure it was just topped off. This is not a stuffed tank, it just has to little lr.
Now for the second time, how many gph are you running into the uv? Why are you running it?
This is not a 5 yr old tank. It is not possible. Where's the coraline? The sand bed is to white, but I'm sure it was just topped off. This is not a stuffed tank, it just has to little lr.
Now for the second time, how many gph are you running into the uv? Why are you running it?
i clean that tank every day and i mix the sand bead up. it keeps the water clear and i dont have another tank to treat my fish if need it. Off by heart i dont no what the pgh is
You don't even know why you are running the uv light do u? You have a diamond goby and you still stir the sand daily? You stated before that you had 18 fish, now u added four and your at 16?
it keeps my water clear an I dont have any other system to treat my fish if need it. UV dose a hole lot to someone fish tank
it keeps my water clear an I dont have any other system to treat my fish if need it. UV dose a hole lot to someone fish tank
You may want to read on uv lights. You need to know how much flow for what you are trying to kill. Don't plug one in and count on it to get everything. The lifetime guarantee sticker is the perfect explanation of how old your tank is. You should go to sleep, long day ahead of you.
miss counted. i dont see what the big or deal is, UV is clears the water and kills things that harm fish. some people say UV kill the bad and the good in the reef tank. It works great with me and the buld last me a very long time
You have no idea what you are talking about. You need a certain flow with the wattage bulb to kill bacteria, or parasites or algae. It is not one flow. 2nd off, the bulb needs to be replaced yearly or it won't help you. There is actually a science behind it, but I think we both understand who actually as ran one for the correct purpose, don't we?
You may want to read on uv lights. You need to know how much flow for what you are trying to kill. Don't plug one in and count on it to get everything. The lifetime guarantee sticker is the perfect explanation of how old your tank is. You should go to sleep, long day ahead of you.
what do you again by begging smart ass . what i have works for me and i worked hard on it