So, it scares me some of the prices that people try to sell stuff at. I see people selling Scolys for hundreds of dollars, when they are charged like 50-60$ for the piece. Maybe I'm just biased since me and my buddy don't have the over head of a normal store? Even then, I can understand a 100% mark up on stuff. If it costs 50$, I can understand selling it for 100$. But, to sell something thats 50$ for 250$? That's just ripping people off. I'll be posting some pics of mine and my buddies garage based set up! From selling captive bred fish, to wild caught, coral colonies, frags, clowns, and home bred clowns. With a little motivation, and the right hooks up, I'm hoping we can inspire enough people to follow suit and force stores to stop with their jacked up prices. Like I said, I understand brick and mortar (paying for rent and over head on a business), but, I can't get behind ripping people off. Sorry about the rant. Just bothers me when I see the lists that the stores too, and see what they charge, knowing what shit costs.