Finally figured out my problem


Reefing newb
I need help. Today hubby took me to another lfs. I spent like 30-35 minutes looking at the firefish and the purple firefish. Also took a look at some gobies. Sort of decided I wanted the firefish, the regular one but walked out of the lfs with more cuc.

On the way home I finally admitted to myself that I am afraid to spend money on a fish and put it in the tank for fear something might happen to him.

The tank has been set up for a month and a half and I have some zoas, a Xenia, some star polyps, and a button polyp. Everybody seems to be doing well, even the snails that make up the cuc and the crab who is in hiding (I saw him a week or so ago).

Hubby says I have to take the plunge sometime. I just want to be sure everything is alright.

Does anybody have suggestions for an easy first fish for a 14g nano? Ammonia, nitrites are at 0. Nitrates are between 5 and 10, ph is 8.4. I really need some encouragement to get this thing going. It has been up about a month and a half now.
Im new to salt but just added my first fish last a damsel...lil dudes got personality and was eating just fine today...also only cost 6 bucks...and was told is a bit aggressive towards other fish but very hardy...
I need help. Today hubby took me to another lfs. I spent like 30-35 minutes looking at the firefish and the purple firefish. Also took a look at some gobies. Sort of decided I wanted the firefish, the regular one but walked out of the lfs with more cuc.

On the way home I finally admitted to myself that I am afraid to spend money on a fish and put it in the tank for fear something might happen to him.

The tank has been set up for a month and a half and I have some zoas, a Xenia, some star polyps, and a button polyp. Everybody seems to be doing well, even the snails that make up the cuc and the crab who is in hiding (I saw him a week or so ago).

Hubby says I have to take the plunge sometime. I just want to be sure everything is alright.

Does anybody have suggestions for an easy first fish for a 14g nano? Ammonia, nitrites are at 0. Nitrates are between 5 and 10, ph is 8.4. I really need some encouragement to get this thing going. It has been up about a month and a half now.
Yellow clown goby, yellow watchman goby, bicolor Blenny, grate first fish and will do well in a small tank. Don't go with a damsel it will dominate the tank and kill anything you add in the future.
Nobody wants to loose fish but it does happen I have lost 4 clowns (2 were snowflake), yellow tang, flame angle, PJ cardnel, blue hippo tang, and a blonde naso tang. It sucks I love the hobby and I love my fish the only thing you can do is move on and if it was your fult learn from it if it wasn't then move on and try again once you get fish you will love them they all have there own personality it is cool all I can say is bit the bullet and good luck

I was looking at a yellow watchman goby.

I definitely want to start with something that will be active.

I did decide not to go with damsels. I know they are hardy, finestbeast, but I have only a small aquarium. It will be six or eight months before an upgrade.

Lfs said they are making an order this week and if I want anything particular to let them know and they will try to get it for me.
Don't worry its not too hard keeping a fish. I'm sure you'll do fine since you're already keeping some corals. Anyways, in a 14 gallon you can only have 1 fish, and at the extreme max, possibly two small fish.
Don't worry about the fish, usually coral is the harder stuff to keep. I had a 14g biocube with 3 fish and we're all good. Plunge in, it will make your corals and snails happier with the extra poop.
I was thinking two. Hubby is already talking about upping the size of the tank for me once we move somewhere where I can have more than 14gals.
Rolland's damsels are very hardy and they're peaceful. I have a mated pair in my 57. They don't allow anyone near their eggs when they spawn, but when they don't have eggs they get on quite well with everyone. I also have a black mouth in the wife's 130D and he doesn't bother anyone either. Ones to avoid are Dominoes, blue devils, yellow tail blue devils or humbugs, they are all little bastards in a small tank.

Most of the smaller blennys are peaceful as well, bicolor or twinspot are 2 of my favorites and they keep the diatoms and other algae in check.

Firefish are hit or miss as to whether they've been captured with cyanide. If you're lucky enough to get ones that were caught with a net they live well. We had 3 purples that succumbed to the after effects of cyanide within 3 months. :(
Don't worry about the fish, usually coral is the harder stuff to keep. I had a 14g biocube with 3 fish and we're all good. Plunge in, it will make your corals and snails happier with the extra poop.

I have never had a coral that I found to be more difficult than fish. You put them in and then don't touch them and they flourish.
I have all beginner corals. I will soon get a fish. I really think it will be a firefish. Maybe a watchman goby.
I like both firefish and yellow watchman.My watchman is always in and out of the rocks always active interesting to watch.
I was thinking two. Hubby is already talking about upping the size of the tank for me once we move somewhere where I can have more than 14gals.
Ive got a bangaii cardinal and yellow watchman in a 10 gal tank no issues so with the right fish should be able to have 2 fish.A couple of years ago i had a purple firefish aswell making that 3 it only died from jumping out so in my opinion 2 small placid fish definately even maybe in time 3 fish
Ok, I think I will be deciding on which fish to get this week. :)

I'll let you know what I decide and will take pics.
Hi everyone! Thought I'd post some pics. I decided on the firefish. When I went into the lfs the ywg did not look so good and the sales person suggested I not buy it right now.