Skeleton showing ?


Reefing newb
Hi. Noticed over the last few weeks that the skeleton is starting to show. If you look at the top of the coral. It's slightly shaded by a larger coral above. Is this due to light deprivation ? All other corals are doing great ?
Lower the lobo to the sand bed. It will recover nicely there and keep a check on water quality during healing. The rock formation could be irritating it and also try feeding it small pieces of meaty food.
Lower the lobo to the sand bed. It will recover nicely there and keep a check on water quality during healing. The rock formation could be irritating it and also try feeding it small pieces of meaty food.
Well thank you I will try the sandbed. I do already feed brine and mysis 2 x week and reef energy A & B 3 times a week, so i don't think he is hungry
I am extremely offended that you say to keep the water in check - no not really,lol \
I am very anal when it comes to that I run water test religiously every week. My husband thinks I am crazy
Thanks a lot for your help much appreciated.
P.S the person we bought it from said strong light and flow ? This obviously was miss information :?
sometimes head die you never know how old the coral is. its white something sting it or its the temperature of your tank. corals behaver change form summer to winter
I did the reef energy and didn't have good results. The water was yellow and that was about it. With the fish you have will produce enough food for all of your coral, imo the coral don't need the amino acids unless you have a hyponutrient system. With the fish I highly doubt this is happening.
I did the reef energy and didn't have good results. The water was yellow and that was about it. With the fish you have will produce enough food for all of your coral, imo the coral don't need the amino acids unless you have a hyponutrient system. With the fish I highly doubt this is happening.
I do run a very low nutrient system. It was recommended that I feed my corals, if that is incorrect then I am happy to stop, it costs a fortune.
Nitrates 0.02 and phos 0.01 most of the time, thats why I feed the corals.
I have just ordered the seachem reef plus and reef trace. Was recommended highly buy another forum. Apparently helps to maintain color and health ?
Do you honestly think I am wasting money on coral food. ?
Yes I do think it's a waste. If you feed your fish, the corals get food. If you got rid of all of your fish, it would be worth it. The amino acids are in range of 5 to 25 microns which are good for sps. Think about it, even a filter sock has a limit of a 100 microns in this hobby, even a protein skimmer has a limit of 30% of all doc's. There is nutrients in your system, I stopped feeding my corals six months ago and have seen better results in water chemistry.
A good middle ground here is use an Algae scrubber. It takes out the inorganic nutrients (the ones algae consume) and leaves the organic ones (the ones corals consume). I built one for our tank and took out my skimmer. My params are so good I worry that my test kit is bad! lol