

Reefing newb
This plate I have had for about a week. I think it's dying. Any feedback out help. Do 5 percent water changes weekly with to water. Nitrates 0 nitrites 0 ammonia 0 and ph 8.1. Salinity 1.025


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Darren, please don't post multiple threads for one subject/question. That's still not quite enough info, what's your clc, alk and mag levels? How long did you drip? What's your lighting? How long has your tank been set up? Be prepared to answer all of these questions each time because the more info we have, the more we can help.

My suggestion as of now is that dripping it pissed it off; most relly fleshy LPS like fungia, plerogyra, Euphyllia, etc...should not be dripped because it can and likely will mess up their osmotic equilibrium. I would give it a few days and make sure nothing is bothering it. I think I can see the tentacles starting to peep out.
Yes it looks like it's dying. Leave it alone and it may regrow. If yo are using tap water, I promise that is what did it. Mine is currently being saved by switching to Rodi. Bad winter around here the city usually does a massive kill step in spring time. I would say you're right on track for the rest of your corals to suffer.
Sorry for multiple posts. I dropped for about a half hour. Always use rodi water to top off and mix Red Sea coral pro salt with rodi water for weekly changes. The tank has been up for a year and a half. I use led lights. I have a frog spawn and duncan that is thriving. When I first put it in it puffed up but nothing recently....