New Maxima clam


I am picking up up a 2-3" maxima clam today. :) I know it is recommended to go with a bigger clam, but maxima clams sure aint cheap, lol. Any recommendations/pointers/tips on placement, care, feeding (phyto), etc? Anything is appreciated.

90 gallon mixed reef
You do not need to feed them. You need strong light and a shit ton of cal. I would recommend using a pvc pipe that is a little bigger than the clam and stick the pipe into the sand bed with the clam in the middle until it gets bigger. Observe the growth on the flghts, new growth indicates proper calcification and growth.
A few quick pics of the new clam. Seems to have been pretty happy after about 5 minutes. I put a frag plug in the sand for it to attach to. Lets hope for the best!
I am picking up up a 2-3" maxima clam today. :) I know it is recommended to go with a bigger clam, but maxima clams sure aint cheap, lol. Any recommendations/pointers/tips on placement, care, feeding (phyto), etc? Anything is appreciated.

90 gallon mixed reef
Need to be in the rocks-it is a rock boring clam in nature it would be found
on hard substrate-buried in a coral head much like a crocea will bysally attach
if happy-high light level-heavy filter feeder when small not enough mantle tissue host
enough symbotic zooanthela algae for total sustainence some phyto feeding recommended
Sorry about the spelling-My oldest clam (crocea) is 7yrs old-my biggest is a maxima that is
9"across the valve(shell)Good luck maximas are pretty hardy
I have had that fungia for a few months and it has never moved, so i am not worried about that. I put the clam on the frag plug to give it something to attach to other than substrate.
I have had that fungia for a few months and it has never moved, so i am not worried about that. I put the clam on the frag plug to give it something to attach to other than substrate.
Just a concern with motile corals-should grow rapidly if happy you will see new growth around
the valves(shell)margin also new scutes should forming-if your tank is less than 1yr old
I would def feed as your tank probably does not have a viable zoo/phyto base yet-bysal
threads(attachment) will degenerate with maturity only crocea will hold there bysal threads
thru adulthood-sorry about the spelling
I might end up moving the fungia anyways to spread out what is already on the sand. My tank has been setup for 1 year and 7 time flies...I do plan on feeding phyto once or twice a week, I figure it wont hurt.
The clam appears to be very happy so far, but I did have a question? What is the normal opening/closing cycle for the maxima? Mine opens fully shortly after the lights come on and starts closing slowly as my lights dim. My Leds come on at 930 am and ramp to full brightness by 3pm and slowly ramp down to off at 930 pm. It appears happy and healthy so far, I was just wondering if this was normal for them? It has full mantle extension, is not stretching, and responds well to movement/shadows. I am assuming it is acting normal?