72g bow

2014-02-21 10.20.45.webp
I got the online make your own alk. Per gallon jug was 6800dkh. The new brs 2 part, dkh in the jug is 5300dkh. I was at 70 mls when I manually dosed but it just became to much to remember. It took a year to need to dose but now it is a necessity. I don't know how people get away with just w/c to maintain. My Corals are just starting to take off, there is a magic number of time that a tank needs to be to grow rapidly. I can see noticeable growth each week.

Cal. Is 40mls each day too.
looks awesome...I got my cube setup and cycling and have to say I am loving this AI Sol fixture, my husband and I were exhausted from driving 8 hours and then unloading for another 5/getting the tank setup first of course

anyhow, the tank is set for a 30% chance of a storm and it started while we were sitting there drinking a beer and I about crapped my pants lol...thought the light was screwed up haha
Just the one in my sump right now. I will frag more once the tank fills in. Most of the stuff will be given away, I'm not in to it to make money. I am sick of driving to different lfs and hate frag swaps. I'd prefer just to post it and send it out if shipping is covered.
I hear ya. I make money at it, but under sell stores by a lot. For example, I sell Snowflake Clowns for 40$. Most stores can't afford to get anywhere near that price because of their over head. Corals that get fragged from my DT are given away to my reefing club members who are short of cash. I try and pay it forward as much as possible :)
I hear ya. I make money at it, but under sell stores by a lot. For example, I sell Snowflake Clowns for 40$. Most stores can't afford to get anywhere near that price because of their over head. Corals that get fragged from my DT are given away to my reefing club members who are short of cash. I try and pay it forward as much as possible :)
I just can't believe the prices now days. Coral has gone up insanely. Why are there 1 inch frags? I can see 6 in frags being the 100 dollars but that's it. I'll stick with my cheap corals and not get focused on the new in corals. They are corals that have been around for millions of years..... why are they new?!