Thinking of Getting a Clam


Reefing newb

So once my tank is up and running I was thinking of maybe trying a clam. I have always liked them but never got around to getting one. I was just wondering how difficult are they to care for and what kind of special care they require. Don't want to get one just to kill it lol Also I do not have a refugium for this tank, its only a 20 gallon. I know they are filter feeders, will not having a refugium be a problem?

Strong lighting, flow, good/stable water parameters. Proper calcium, Alkalinty and magnesium levels are also needed. If you provide the right environment they are relatively easy to care for. I would try and get one over 2" when your tank has matured.
I have the lighting and water flow down, the only thing I am worried about is that they are filter feeders and with a tank as small as mine that it could filter the water too much and starve.
I really don't see it being a problem. You will be feeding your tank and hopefully doing regular water changes. You will have to monitor your calcium, alkalinity, mag levels which you would do anyway and you may have to dose as it gets bigger if your water changes can't keep up.
Start with a derasa.
They are the hardiest and fastest growing.
As long as the tank is healthy there is no special care/feeding required.
One thing to make sure of is to let them secure their foot to a rock, not the glass bottom. That way if you need to move them, you will lessen the risk of damaging them.
Once your tank is mature as mentioned Cal. Alk. & Mag. levels are important, my Squamosa in this picture was doing ok on the bottom but Is real happy now he's up closer to the lights on a shelf. I'll try and get a picture of him tomorrow in mid day sun of my AI lighting.
Installing pvc is a good idea to protect their byssil foot and don't order online. I've done this and they didn't have a foot. Hermits knocked it over and ate it from the bottom up. These are maxima btw.
I just don't want others to fail in clam care because they are awesome. You don't know if the clam has the byssil foot or not by a picture. They don't care and will take your 100 bucks and you loose plus shipping.
If I should not order online, does anyone know a good LFS in Maryland? Mine's awful and most stuff from there dies quickly.
So after doing some more reading a lot of these clams get very large and I only have a 20gallon. So seeing as how most will out grow my tank, does anyone know a type that does not get so large?
This little guy has been with us for 6 months now, he has grown quite fast but hasn't needed any special attention at all. I love them and find them extremely low maintenance I would love to get another one.
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