My 46g Bow Front Tank by Sakura2282

Oh NO!!!!!! dude I am so sorry, that is heartbreaking...I have been so lucky with my gobies and they have never tried that, thinking I need to put my screen back on
Thanks, it really is heartbreaking I can't look at my tank without being sad. My male clown looks so lonely now. :(
Fish under stress.

So I believe my dottyback has ich. It has this white thing on his mouth that I believe is ich. He's been fighting (chasing each other) with the Blenny. I hope they will solve this territory issue soon. I remember the time when I introduced the clowns in the tank, he went under stress then too.

2014-02-12 15.26.50.webp
2014-02-12 15.26.55.webp

These are some old pictures from the time I bought the clowns and put them in the tank.

2013-09-04 18.02.24.webp

2013-08-30 14.36.17.webp
I agree with Marinne,
The old pics look like rusty was rubbing against the rocks. And the lip / nose could be the same. Just keep a close eye on him for more spots over the next few days.