Line wrasse


Reefing newb
My line wrasse female tries to jam herself into tiny holes in the live rock and under the live rock she breaths fast she also looks very pale what do I do?
She's probably scared of something. That's what they do. Females also tend to be paler than males. Does she look extra pale?
She's probably scared of something. That's what they do. Females also tend to be paler than males. Does she look extra pale?
I would try to send a picture but she is jammed in there pretty good I can try thoughtry though


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what else do you have for livestock, water parameters? Did you add or change anything recently? gotta start with the basics.
what else do you have for livestock, water parameters? Did you add or change anything recently? gotta start with the basics.
I have a pink shrimp (I don't know the name) I have a cleaner shrimp to clown fish a girl wrasse and 1 blue green chromis I have a another chromis but it died I had a goby but it died and a male wrasse that would always nip at the girl wrasse.


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