Banana Man
Reefing newb
I am having problems with Brown Seaweed and Green Hair Algae. In the Brown Seaweed picture you can also see some kind of half circle flat seaweed also. photo(6).jpg is not a great picture but you can see the green algae growing on the right hand side top platform. It has since started to spread to other areas of the tank now. My Nitrates are at about 0.01 and my Phosphates are at 0.04 and yet this stuff is growing like nobodies business. I have been adding RedSea Reef Energy A and B recently so could this be the issue?
I am having problems with Brown Seaweed and Green Hair Algae. In the Brown Seaweed picture you can also see some kind of half circle flat seaweed also. photo(6).jpg is not a great picture but you can see the green algae growing on the right hand side top platform. It has since started to spread to other areas of the tank now. My Nitrates are at about 0.01 and my Phosphates are at 0.04 and yet this stuff is growing like nobodies business. I have been adding RedSea Reef Energy A and B recently so could this be the issue?