What kind of algea?


Reefing newb
I'm having an algea probl that I can't get under control. Any ideas are appreciated. Not sure what kind of algea it is


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Looks like cyano to me. What kind of flow do you have in your tank?
What are the parameters? Nitrates? Phosphates? Nitrites?
What kind of water do you use for your water changes?
How often do you do water changes?
How large are the water changes?
It's a 30 gallon tank. I mix ro with Red Sea coral pro. I have two korilias, 550 and a 425. I do a 5gallon water change twice a week. Nitrates, nitrites, ammonia are 0. Ph was 8 the last time I checked. I also have a 14 k led that runs about 10 hours
Could also be diatoms.
Which feed off silicates. Which usually come from the substrate or water.
How old is the tank?
What kind of substrate is it?
Where do you get the RO?
If you make it yourself, how old is your filter media?
Do you have a TDS meter? You should test the or water from the LFS they don't always change out their media as often as they should.
Your tank and the RO water have a TDS of .25 ish?
Or is that .25 ish of nitrate?

The TDS of your tank should be off the charts due to the salt .25 ish would be fresh water.
Sorry if I'm confused.
TDS is total dissolved solids

Your algae looks like cyano and diatoms.

Your tank is .25 ppm in 30 gallons of water, and the RO is .25 ppm in how many gallons?

I would suggest letting your LFS know about the phosphate in their RO water. And maybe look for a second source for water. Your water change schedule is more than enough to bring the phosphate down assuming you can find RO water that's testing 0 phosphate

Keep in mind that algae need nitrate and phosphate to grow, you my be reading 0 nitrate because the algae is using them up.
Thanks. It was a 5 gallon bucket of ro that I tested. I'm going to call them tomorrow but they will deny it. I asked them about it before and I was told it has 0 phosphates. I'm stumped on where to get to water now
So I called the store and was told that they only use a TDS and dont test for phosphates. I let them know about the high phosphate levels and they just thanked me.
So I am still struggling with the phosphates. I have turned the lights off in the tank. Any other ideas? I am doing a 5 gallon water change every other day as well using only the RO water purchased from the local store. Any ideas?????
Not to be rude, but you JUST started this post on Tuesday. It takes time to bring your levels down. Just be patient. It'll get there.

In the meantime, you can always cut back on feeding, and make sure you're only feeding high quality food (read: not pellets or flakes).