29 Biocube LPS and Softies!

Heres some pics, ignore the messy nets. Need to change the screen on some of them.


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[SA = Sustainable Aquatics. ORA = Ocean and Reef Aquariums]

1st Pic- SA Snowflake paired with a SA B/W Full Bar Clown. Breeder size, not spawning yet.

2nd Pic- SA Snowflake being housed with a Occelaris clown. (Occ is sold already, snowflake is pending)

3rd Pic- Unknown Origin Tomato Clowns - Sold.

4th Pic- Unknown Origin Yellow Stripe Maroon Clowns.

5th Pic- ORA Premium Snowflakes. Paired up, but haven't reached full maturity yet. Roughly 7-8 months of age.

6th Pic- SA Onyx. 1 Misbar, 1 Full Bar. Both have an extra white dot on one side.

7th Pic- SA Extreme Snowflakes. Breeder size, and spawning. Not rearing right now though.

8th Pic- SA Picasso and WC True Percula. True Percula is the female and is breeder size. The Picasso is in the process of pairing up with it.

And then I have more regular occ clowns that are juvis but pairing. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking clownfish breeding is a cheap thing to do. It costs a fortune for the brood stock, and then the set up, and then raising the fry. But, it is highly rewarding, in it's own way! :)

I came home from work tonight to find my Picasso dead. No clue what happened to it. No torn fins, no sign of parasites, nothing. Just dead :(.
Thanks everyone. No other fish are showing any signs of stress. They are all eating, params are all in check... I just dunno. Maybe he didn't ship well :(.

Picked up another smaller pair of snowflakes. One is like 1 3/8" and the other is like 1 5/8". Hopefully I'll have a high ratio of snowflakes/platinums from all the spawns later on. Got, 3 pairs of snowflakes (Extremes, Premiums, and Regular Snowflakes [Not the semi though]). A Snowflake mixed with a B/W. A WC True Percula and a Snowflake, Onyx, YS Maroons, and regular Occ.

Think I'll have some winners in the mix :p?
when you get some fry I want a pair...just saying, of course I might have moved again by the time they are ready to go

def want some snowflakes
Thanks, my buddy who is also breeding his clowns already is going to help me set everything up, and we're going to sell our fry together. We're going to try and group buy a ton of different designers soon :)
Thats awesome cant wait to see what your fry end up looking like :D Just remember I love me some black clown fish so if you want to hook a guy up with a pair of misbar blacks I would not say no lol :D
I can get those for you very soon if you are willing to drive down to pick up :p.

I'll take a look at my prices on them, but I can usually sell them for between 20-30$ depending on the size I get them in at.