29 Biocube LPS and Softies!

Close lol, it was February :p. I became highly enamored with this hobby. Enough to make it borderline an obsession lol. I research fish, corals, and inverts every chance I get. Thinking about trying to get a part time job at a LFS just to get a little experience with retail for fish. Then, hopefully a little fragging/fish retail business so I can start selling stuff legit :p
I have several tanks lol. A 55g, 29g Bio, 26g Bowfront, and since I broke down the 60g hex I set up a little 10g nano lol. I have a 180 sitting in my garage for when I move, and I have a 6x6 rack that I'll be setting up in my new place to start breeding clowns and bangais :p

sweet man. i'm hoping to try and breed some bangais when everything is said and done. we'll see how it goes.
They are very easy to breed lol. The male does all the work. Spits our self sufficient juvenile fish :).

Also, may be getting a part time job at a LFS by me for Sundays. :)
Well, I can't remember the names of everything I got, or even what's all new. But, here are pics anyway! And, a new updated FTS


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I picked up a pair of what I thought was normal Maroon Clowns. To be my surprise, the female turned out to be a Yellow Striped one lol.

Also, a sneak peak of my new 5g Pico! :)


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I really like clowns. Been stocking up on different pairs of clowns. A few of the pairs are breeder size already, and I'm hoping to beging trying to induce mating :).

List of clowns:

2 Extreme Snowflakes
2 Premium Snowflakes
2 Snowflakes
1 B/w
5 Occelaris
1 Misbar Percula
2 Yellow Sripe Maroons
2 Tomato
2 Onyx Perculas
1 Picasso Percula
1 True Percula

thats a pretty sweet list of clowns. i'm looking at either some black ice or fancy snowflakes for the 57g and then some black misbars for the 30g. getting the hook up for the black is or snowflakes $85/90 for either pair.

can you snap a few pics of the snowflakes whenever you get some spare time(if that ever happens lol)
Sure, the Extreme Snowflakes are in the biocube, so see the previous pics for them lol. When I get home tonight I'll snap a few pics of all the clowns lol :)