29 Biocube LPS and Softies!

Working on it! I don't have a smart phone, so I have to be home at the same time as my fiancee in order for me to take the pics and upload them :p. I get home at midnight tonight, so, I'll take some when I get home (Lights will be off, but I'll turn them on for a bit to take some :p)
So, I moved a 2 hammers and a grape back to the 55. So far, so good! Giving it a little longer before I restock it with SPS :)

Anywho! as promised, here are some pics! (Cyano is coming back :frustrat:)


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My Duncan has at four new heads starting now! The first one is starting to get pretty big, fully extended it's about 3/4" :)! Sorry about the poor pic quality, pics from a phone! I'll try and get some pics of the tank during the day when everything is all opened up and happy when I get a chance. The 2nd Chalice, is a hollywood stunner that I got for free because it was dieing. It's started to regrow and cover some of where the skeleton was showing :)!

Edit: It appears I have some photo bombers. If you look at my colt leather, you'll see my lawnmower's head sticking out haha. That's his bed :p. And my snowflakes get very curious whenever I have the phone near the tank
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Picked up a frag of dragon eyes zoos, another red/gren zoa frag (probably giving this one away to someone in my reef club who needs starter corals), a feather duster (just a bland brown looking one), and a blue mushroom rock with like 10-12 on it. :)
I don't have just one LFS lol. I have several. Fin City Aquatics and Absolutely Fish are the two bigger ones. But, NJ has tons of saltwater fish stores. So, I shop around. But, when I find a store that has a bunch of things I like, I grab whatever I can afford at the time. They end up remembering me pretty easily that way :p

I've yet to order any corals online or anything. I've used Divers Den WYSIWYG for fish before though.

So, I've developed a fascination for Zoas and Palys. Took out a bunch of frags from this tank, and put in a :pooh: ton of new Zoas/Palys.

Some of the new ones are:

Lunar Eclipse
Armor of Gods
Greenbay Packers
Purple People Eaters
Purple Hornets
Fire & Ice
and a ton of others lol.

Just picked up 7 new frags today, pictures to come. Also, replaced the pair of ORA Premium Snowflakes I had in there for SA Extreme Snowflakes. These guys are about 2.5-3" in size, and friggen HURT when they nip.

Pictures coming after everything is acclimated and opened up:Cheers:
Update: Pics :)


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Lol, I already gave away a bunch of spare frags I had to a guy in my reefing club. You don't live all that far away, if you want, I can save some for you when they start growing back out?
I'll be picking up new zoos/palys very soon. I have a 180$ credit with a local reefer for giving him a bunch of fish to sell. One of the pick ups I know for sure will be some Rhastas. Maybe a gold hammer/torch. Not sure yet lol
your tank is looking great. love those clowns. looks like your almost needing an upgrade. lol

I have several tanks lol. A 55g, 29g Bio, 26g Bowfront, and since I broke down the 60g hex I set up a little 10g nano lol. I have a 180 sitting in my garage for when I move, and I have a 6x6 rack that I'll be setting up in my new place to start breeding clowns and bangais :p