Needing Help with a coral frag


Reefing newb
Hi guys! So I just started a new reef aquarium. It's a 50 gallon tank. I've now had it going for 3 months. About a week ago I decided to purchase two coral frags. One was an assorted polyps of some sort and the other was a candy cane coral frag. The polyps are doing Amazing. However my candy cane frag is not. All my levels in my aquarium are perfect. So I'm wondering if a fish is causing it. I have 3 yellow tailed blue damsels, 1 ocellaris clown, 2 pajama cardinals,1 banded serpent sea star, and 1 emperor dottyback. Anyway here is the pic of my coral. Any help as to why it looks like this would be appreciated


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The one head has died, the other two look ok. If there is any flesh left on the dead head it may start another head. We can't help you learn why it died without more info, light info water parameters water flow ect.
Welcome aboard neighbor! I am right outside of Springfield, Mo! Give us some details about your lighting, water parameters, etc... like Aquarian said so we can help you :)
Hi guys sorry! I was at work when I posted. As far as water parameters my salinity is 1.022, it stays between 78-82 degrees. My nitrite, nitrate levels stay at 0 ppm. My ammonia is usually around .25. As far as water movement I have a fluval 405 filter, 3 - 500 gph wave makers, an a max jet 1200 protein skimmer. My lighting is 2- 10,000k 120v 65watt light bulbs, and 2 Actinic 65 watt bulbs. They stay on about 8-10 hrs a day. As far as placement of the coral I had it at the bottom of the tank in the substrate with low flow. As of now it's about midways up the tank with moderate water flow.

Now that we've determined the head is dead, should I remove it? Thanks again for all the responses.
I think the problem is the ammonia. I would Kick up the salinity a bit too I keep mine around 1.025 to 1.027

Personally I would leave the head for a month or two to make sure there is no tissue that can regrow. I had a two head candy cane that got pushed into a war coral by the time I found it it was too late but there was some tissue still on the edge of the head. And about a month later I see a new head there and a few days later I found another head starting where I didn't see any tissue. This happens a lot with lps.
I don't think it would be ammonia. I think you may be getting a false reading. Especially since you say that you normally have ammonia showing. That is the beginning of the nitrate cycle, so it probably isn't really there. Try using a different test kit to check if the ammonia is actually there or not. +1 I would also wait a month to see if it can grow back.
Ok thanks guys. There is still quite a bit of tissue around the base of the dead head. So I'll leave it a while. I'll also try a new test kit. I've been reading about iodine, and calcium supplements for corals. I don't have anything to test for this so should I get test kits before adding any trace elements of the above?
Yes, never dose anything that you can't test for as a general rule.
My candy cane does not like too much light or flow. Good luck with it!
Test for everything before you dose it. You shouldn't need to dose calcium unless you have a lot of LPS SPS. Normal water changes should be enough to trace elements in check.
Try moving the candy cane up a little bit. They don't like a lot of light, or a lot of flow, but not enough light will hurt it. Also, be careful with sand covering it as that will cause the flesh to like peel away. What type of lighting are you running?