Confused Lawnmower Blenny


Reefing newb
So I had a MASSIVE green algae outbreak. I went out and bought a Fox Face and a Lawnmower Blenny. My Lawnmower Blenny refuses to eat the algae. He insists on going after my home made food and actually bites at my other fish so he can eat first. Most aggressive fish in my tank and that's with 2 clowns that bite me when I clean!
If he keeps being super aggressive I would catch him and sell him back to the store. You can always try another blenny, or a different type of blenny.

I had a starry blenny who ate both the algae and frozen food, he was an amazing fish. Sometimes you get aggressive ones though.
I am interested in what your homemade food is. My tank has been cleaned of my hair algae and I haven't been able to get my lawnmower to eat anything else. Now I am concerned he doesn't have enough food.
My tank looks like the fields of iceland lol.... tons of hair algae.. I think it was from my flake food. So I decided to buy a lb of fish, shrim, oysters, squid and clams and got a thing of nori and blended them all together. Put them into zip bags in the freezer and i just break off a peice and thaw it out, put it in the tank and my fish go crazy over it.
When I had hair algae I couldn't get rid of it. Toothbush the rocks just came back. So I added a Chem-Pure Elite in my filter sock and the hair algae diminished everyday. After a week I bought a single chamber BRS and now run a blend of GFO/Carbon. No algae since. I also bought about 100 nassarius snails online for about 20 bucks. They are the funniest thing to watch. I drop food in tank and they all come popping out from the sand bed and go on a march to the food. All my algae was gone and I gave some of my snails to a buddy for his new tank.

Tanks about 4 months old.


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I have a lawnmower Blenny , he constantly tries to get any algae he can find from the rocks and the glass. But he eats mysis shrimp and the frozen food mix i put in for the other fish. It took him a little while to get in and get his share of the food I put in but he is not aggressive towards the other fish at all. He even will eat some pellet food when I have to use my automatic feeder when I go out of town. I guess they are all a little different in what they will do for food.