Is this a good algae or not?


Reef lover!!!
Before I had a bloom of diatoms or brown algae that almost made me go crazy because they looked really creepy under the moonlights, but as some people mentioned in my past thread about them, they went away by themselves. Nonetheless, I bought three astrea snails past Sunday to start my CUC and they have been working since day one on my rocks.

Now I seeing these pink dots covering my rocks and some green parts too and I have no idea if this is a good algae or not. I have one cured rock full of purple coraline algae and another one cover with pink coraline algae. But I'm not sure if what is growing right now could be the coraline algae from one of these rocks or another kind of algae.

I would like to read some comments about what it could be.


Ph 8.0
Phosphate 0 ppm
Nitrites 0 ppm
Nitrates 0 ppm
Ammonia 0 ppm
KH 8 dKH or 143.2 ppm


1 Bicolor pseudochromis
3 astrea snails

Water change 1 a week 10%

I do not have a sump.

Thanks in advance for the comments and sorry for the quality of some pictures :mrgreen:.


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A lot of those are just the common nuisance micro algae strains that grow as certain nutrients become available as a new tank goes through its maturation process.

Just keep your water parameters within nominal levels and these will go away eventually as they run out of their primary nutrients.
I believe it is a bloom of diatoms again but this time it was on the sand and on the glass too. I cleaned my tank today the sand the rocks everything in it and did my weekly water change there was too much food at the bottom of the tank and hiding in the rocks I used my powerheads to move the food from the rocks and I used also a net to catch it. I hope this will help to control the algae problem.

I'm starting to learn how not to over feed my fish :(.

Thanks you two for the help :).
The purple is coralline the others could be cyano or diatoms its hard to tell from the pics
Coralline is good the other two are not but it could be your tank going through a bloom

Check here and see if anything looks like what you have

Nuisance Algae ID Guide

Thanks for the link it was really helpful. The first picture on it looks like my tank problem, but in a bigger scale than mine.
A lot of those are just the common nuisance micro algae strains that grow as certain nutrients become available as a new tank goes through its maturation process.

Just keep your water parameters within nominal levels and these will go away eventually as they run out of their primary nutrients.

Thanks for the advice :). That is what I'm trying to do so far, to keep my water parameters under control.