Zoa help and ID please


Reefing newb
I am having problems with a group of my zoas and another coral (i think are zoas or button polyps) stinging each other. At least that is what I think is happening. My question is can I remove the brown polyps from the colony simply by cutting them out? Or will they likely release a toxin?

Also, there are brown strings and a fine silk coming from the skirts of the yellow zoas. Its hard to see in the picture and I cant seem to get a better picture than this. I have dipped the entire piece in and Iodine dip twice now and the brown strings and silk are back within a few minutes. I am assuming that they are the stingers, maybe?


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Do the tentacles retract completely when touched or do they close (like your yellow zoas)?

If they retract, they're probably either Aptaisia or Mojano anemones. Kill with fire! (or AptasiaX)
They retract almost completely.Tomorrow I will happily kill them. Unless someone else chimes in with another possible ID.

The more I look at my picture and compare it to pictures on Google, the more it looks like a Mojano.

Thank you for the reply!
I had them all over my tank when I bought it from a local guy. I thought they were great until reading up on them. I still have to zap the occasional one.
The good news is AptasiaX won't kill them if they actually are corals.

Glad to help, Jml!