29 Biocube LPS and Softies!


Reef enthusiast
Well, I should have started this thread a while ago, but yeah....

Anywho! Tanks been up and running for a while. Params are great, a slight lack of flow though, will be corrected this upcoming weekend when I get paid from both jobs! Anywho! On to pics! :)

Filling her up!


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And a shot from today!

Stocking List: 2 Premium Snowflake Clowns, Lawnmower Blenny, and a Green Mandarin

2 Toadstools
2 Small Kenya Trees (In a cup with some LR rubble [don't want them spreading throughout the whole tank lol)
Colt Leather
Pink Zoos
Watermelon Zoos
Assorted Green/Red Zoos
Assorted Palys
Green Torch
Purple Torch
Thick Branched White Frogspawn
Thin Branched White Frogspawn
Green Frogspawn with Purple Tips x 2
Peach Hammer
White Hammer
Candy Canes
Large Bubble Coral
Hollywood Stunner Chalice
Green Hammer with Purple Tips
(Ignore the net in the pick, it's housing another GBTA and another pair of Premium Snowflakes for when my 55 is back on track!)


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Update: (This is all stuff I just noticed, but I've had most of this stuff for a while)

My Duncan has three new heads starting on it!

Also, my Hammers/Torches/Frogspawns are all starting to split heads! Anywhere from 2-5 heads on each! :)

My Pink Zoos have a few small new polyps!

Kenya Trees are firmly attached to the LR rubble now (Still in a plastic cup in the tank though lol)

And, my Snowflakes are hosting the crap out of my GBTA :) (The GBTA is starting to get it's bubbles back :^::bounce::^:)
Sweet, this weekend I think I'm going to either order the light in the link, or a bunch of corals from liveaquaria.com. Haven't decided which yet! :dunno::dunno:
Picked up some Fire and Ice Zoas the other day. While I was there, I noticed a small red mushroom floating around the rock, so I asked the guy how much for it. He turned, looked both ways, then scooped it in the bag with the Zoas. He then looked at me and said, "How much for what". Some people are just awesome. :)
Gota love it :p.

Update: So, I went crazy today. Picked up a bunch of new stuff.

Green Paly Frag
Green Zoa Frag
1 Red/Teal Acan Frag
1 Green/Teal Acan Frag
1 Red/Blue Acan Frag
1 Blasto Frag
1 Grapefruit frag
1 Alvopora Frag
1 Galaxia Frag
1 Pink Chalice Frag
1 Folded Brain

My favorite is the Brain :). Pics coming after everything is acclimated and opened :)