Started tank two weeks ago


Reefing newb
Temp is 79
Ammonia is zero
Nitrites dropped to zero
Nitrates are a honey color on the test.
I have some algae growing, I think it's normal. It's brown, dark purple and some bright neon green stuff.


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You can see it on the sand and the darker colored live rock on the top left and right. Is this normal in a tank only two weeks running? I have one clown fish that is doing fine.
All looks normal. The dark stuff looks like cyanobacteria. Getting the nitrates down and plenty of water movement and that should go away. Are you using RO/DI water? Tap will feed it.
I am using RO/DO water . I got a couple of turbo snails , about 10 little hermit crabs , one emerald crab and two peppermint shrimp today. They are going to town on the algea . The. Shrimp are funny they are running around doing laps in the tank when I first put them in.
Those turbo snails and hermit crabs have almost eaten all of the cyano algae . I thougt earlier they were doing bad and maybe were not doing well in my tank after 12 hours, but they are all'out tearing up the rest of the algae now. The shrimp I put in are doing fine also. Im just wanting the emerald crab to make his appearance on the stage tonight sometime. I know he is in there somewhere.