fraggin' questions


cyano happens...
soooo, i am thinking about fragging the attatched red plate coral. i was wondering, should i clip off the top level, or a lower level thats about to be covered? (and from what i read possibly die once the light is blocked?) and how much should be cut?

also, a have a few acans that need to be fragged, way too many heads on a small plug. i have a scroll saw that i was thinking about using, but unlike a bandsaw it goes up and down and im worried that it might shred the heads, any thoughts? does anyone frag acans without power tools?


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I like to use fragging as an opportunity to guide the corals growth. For example, if I notice a coral(s) is growing toward another coral and will be a problem in the future, that's where I frag. Like you mentioned, you may want to frag the area that is going to be shaded, or maybe even the part that will be doing the shading.
I would suggest fragging as big of a piece as you can, but a good rule of thumb is 1" at least.
I haven't fragged acans, so I can't really speak on the best way to do that. Youtube may help though.