New Sump Build


Reefing newb
So I decided that I am unhappy with my current sump for my 125g. It is a 30g with ASM Skimmer->DSB->Polly fiber/Chem(as needed)->Return. I decided to go the DIY way, no funds for a $300-600 sump. I have already had a few attempts at building sumps before. Built one for a 35g freshwater and one for my brother-in-laws 75g reef. The idea was to go as big as the budget would allow, which wasnt much at the time. Had been surfing craigslist for a 50+ but was not finding anything that anyone would not sell as a full setup for $500+:frustrat:.

Fast forward 2 weeks, happened to walk into the local Goodwill looking for something with my better half (dont remember what she wanted). As we walked in, there it was, 50g terarium/aquarium. Looked it over, all seams were good, no cracks and price....$25!

Somehow managed to get it into the Mazda and got it home. :bounce:

I will be keeping everyone up to date on the build as it happens. Might take a little bit as I am a paramedic working 72-96 hours a week...

Here is the plan for the general layout of the sump. I do have more detailed hand drawn pictures/plans but dont want to make it too complicated from the start (drafting background)...


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Update: all taped off, cleaned, waiting for glass before doing a re seal and baffle placement. You wouldnt believe the mission i have had to go on to try and find 1/4" glass... Anyone know about using a HOB overflow box with Bean drain system? I want to run the Bean but dont want to drain the tank to drill, and i dont know if its tempered glass....


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Doing my best to keep everyone updated on the build. Painted the refugium divider to keep light just in the fuge, sealed everything up. Havent decided yet if i am going to put the LR/BT/intake section in or just have the intake into a skimmer/LR area... Letting what i have cure while I'm on duty till monday and will go from there. Fuge will have 2-3" sandbed with some rubble for macros and pods, BT after skimmer is 2.5" wide so i can run carbon or whatever else needed through there. Return is still centered.

First pic is the mock-up stage, and pre skimmer cleaning.... I know, it's DIRTY! Pain in the rear getting the coraline and staining off... Dont know if/when it was last cleaned before me getting it. ASM rated for 250g for free, don't care if it's purple cheetah print!


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Sump is finally done and in. Feel behind this week with updates but here's the final results

1) Old versus New, just a little bigger...

2) Refinished the inside with some light grey marine epoxy my brother in law had left over. It's actually a lot lighter in person. Sump sits on layer of 1" high density foam.

3) Finished install. Fuge is feed off return pump, second line off of 'T' goes back to first chamber of sump, main line to tank. We'll see how the new Ebay LED panel works. Adding macros to the fuge this coming week: cheato, ulva, tang heaven... It has about 15lbs of rock on top of 2-3" mixed base.


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