Mushroom removal ??

crazy cajun

Reefing newb
i have had some green mushrooms for about 3 years now, the past year ive notice them multiplying rapidly and spreading around the tank, i have killed some by scraping them off the rock but seems hard to get rid of all of them, they look cool but i find that when thay spread around my zoa's the zoa's tend to start dying back is there a easier way to try and control or even get rid of these ??


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Mushrooms are very hardy and even after scraping them off the rock, they can regrow if a tiny shred of mushroom is left. If you want to get rid of them, send some my way...:D

I would just scrape them off and then sell the frags or trade with LFS. The only other way would be to remove the rock that they are on.
yea i do sell frags to LFS but these muhrooms get way out of hand, if you want some mushrooms ill send some to you give me address you just pay the shipping, i assume they should be ok for a few days in the mail/ups?
That sounds like a plan! You think we should wait till its a little warmer in my part of town?...Still pretty cold here in Illinois.
I woudlnt mind some shrooms eaither if you're sending them out, I can paypal u the shipping fee's no problem. That green would be a good mix with my red and blue ones
im heading out of town for the holiday hit me up next week we will set something up.

Ooh, I wouldn't mind having some. I can pay for the shipping. Just let me know where I can send you the shipping can give me your address and my credit union will mail you a can msg me or I'll check back with ya next week...

Greetings from SoCal...It's nice out here...

Take cylindrical shot glasses. Put a small rock in the bottom then drop in a shroom. After a few days to a week or so the shroom will attach to the rock. Now you have a shroom ready to sell.
Holy mushrooms! I've never seen such a mass amount like that :D I love the green stripes though, we have about 15 on 1 rock.
Looks like the solution to your problem is to put them online asking how to get rid of them and watch them fly right out of the tank.

In all seriousness though I would love to know because I have a hostile mushroom-zoa takeover in my tank also.