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Reefing newb
Im assuming these are diatoms..


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How fast does cyno grow, I'll scrub my tank and the next day it looks like that

Thats about it.
You can almost watch it grow when the conditions are right for it.
What happens, is once it's growing, it'll actually feed off of itself. So you've got to get ahead of it to beat it.
What I suggest.
Siphon out all of you can and do a 50% water change. Then keep the lights off for 3 to 4 days. The day you turn the lights back on, do another 50% water change. Again siphoning out all the cyano you can ( if theres any left ).
Also get more flow in there. That will help keep it from getting a foot hold.
You've also got to figure out where it's getting the nutrients thats fueling the cyano and limit them. Cutting back on feeding might also help.
Post your water parameters and might be able to offer more help on getting rid of it. And how long has your tank been running.
My Params are really good, 8.2ph 0 nitrites 0 ammonia 5 nitrates. Im lookiing at buying phosguard for my canister filter. I've also stopped using tap water and started using RO
The tap water is what could have been fueling it, but after a couple of water changes with the rodi water, it should start disappearing. Make sure you siphon the algae out during the water changes too.