

Reefing newb
Can someone please help me identify the different algea and tell me please what can I do to get rid of it?? Thanks! The only residents in my tank since it is fairly new are 3 green chromis and a few snails.


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Looks like Cyanobacteria and green hair algae. What are your water parameters and what kind of lighting do you have? How much flow do you have in the tank? What kind of food are you feeding (flake, pellets, frozen)? Are you using RO/DI or tap water?
Excess nutrients (usually over feeding) is a big contributor to both. This causes excess nitrates and phosphates. Increasing flow in those dead areas where the cyano is will help. Regular water changes will also help. I know I asked a lot of questions but that will help figuring out where your algae is coming from.
Welcome to the site!!
Hi Nick,
My water parameters are: Temp 78 degrees, salinity 1.023, calcium 400mg/l, ph 8.0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, phosphate 0, ammonia 0, kh/alk 7, I have led lights that are on from 9:30 am - 7 pm. I use RO water and I feed flakes 2x a day, frozen 1-2 times per week (once a day). Waterflow - I have 1 powerhead and the rest is from my filters. I do not have a sump, I am using a pengium biowheel 350 with a protien skimmer with UV. No worries about all the questions. I appriciate any help! I also included a picture of the whole tank so you can see the layout.

Thanks again.


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Flake food is a major contributor to the excess nutrients in your water causing these problems. You also could use another power head in the tank to give you some more flow. The chromis don't have to be fed as much as you are feeding. They will always beg for food but I recommend you cut back at least one time a day but once every other day would even be better, IME. I would also cut out the flake food all together and just do frozen(mysis and brine). You have phosphates and nitrates even though you reading 0 because the cyano and algae are using it for fuel. When you do your water change suck out as much of that crap as you can.
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+1 but also get rid of the Bio wheel as well....that messes with your levels can increase your nitrates...let it run w/out the wheel
I would also recommend an additional power head at the opposite end on the back facing forward I would guess that particular rock is a dead spot for flow.