Feel like I found gold haha


Reefing newb
So its really really hard to get a good enough picture to give this mushroom justice, but I bought a very small rock with a mushroom about the size of a dime on it. It is gold, then has very bright red and green on random parts of it. Also had a feather duster on the rock too.

Got it for 5$, can't wait for it to grow more.
Anyone know of any mushrooms that have this color? Lots of brown/gold, then bright red edges and bright green scattered around in the middle. Do mushrooms usually go for more, the more colors they have?

This is my first mushroom lol. Got him way down on the sandbed acclimating.

Here's the best pic I got, surprisingly its of the one in the bag. Pretty hard to see the different colors, but you can see the green in the middle.


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I am guessing here but you might have Amplexidiscus fenestrafer the Giant Cup Mushroom and if it gets big enough it will eat fish.
From the blue picture and your description, it sounds like a jawbreaker. If its not that, I'd guess a sunset mushroom. Both are regular types but have rarer coloration. In any case, for $5 sounds like a great deal
I would guess a jawbreaker mushroom as well - around here those things go for $400 a mushroom! Looks exactly like the jawbreakers that are sold in my area.
I would guess a jawbreaker mushroom as well - around here those things go for $400 a mushroom! Looks exactly like the jawbreakers that are sold in my area.

I don't think they run that high in price, unless its an overpriced boutique store. I'd say average price for a jawbreaker ranges $50-$150 depending on size and actual color combo. And considering OP is in Fl, it's prob on the lower range.