Favia ID


Reefing newb
Just picked up these 2 favias and they've been in the tank for about an hour.
I know the one on the right is a dragon soul, but what about the one on the left? Thanks
Picked em up for 15$ each. Dragon soul has 13-14 eyes, and the other is almost 3 inches long


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WTF I found a new lfs that had very similar pieces where 45 bucks...they where nice but I walked out empty handed....
Yea Ted, this guy had just moved into a bigger store from his old one down the street. He does really good prices and made me a deal for both of em
yeah, I don't get prices that friendly...
I am on very good terms with one of the LFS owners here in town and cant touch that really...
I have heard If I go out to Houston or Dallas the prices are sometimes better (coral wise, my guy does kick ass on fish prices for me)... but cant bring myself to go 3-4 hours away.

I will pay the 5 buck or so more a frag... and support my local dude.