Kole and yellow tang injury


I know that I don't know
Hello to all,
The kole and yellow seemed to be getting along well. The kole likes to rub up against the yellow and also slap her tail fin against his. I know this is a behavior of aggression. YT ihas ignored it since Sunday afternoon when he came into the tank. The Kole seems to have what looks like a slice by her back fin. It is not bleeding, but now when she is by the YT, she turns darker.
Is this something I need to address? I think the problem is the section of the tank I didn't tear up and rescape so I am thinking that is probably a necessary thing to do.

Thanks for the input. Sorry about crappy photo but she zips around and seems to run when I come with the camera. I will try to get a better picture.



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I cant really see anything from the photo you posted, but when I mixed tangs in the past, it would often take a few days for them to tail slap each other and establish a pecking order. It sounds like that is what is going on here. If the Kole was normally the aggressor, its possible that the YT decided to slap back, and that is where the injury came from.

You can try to lesson the aggression by taping a mirror to the side of the tank. The fish will see their reflections and worry more about the same kind/color of fish than the other fish in the tank. I used this trick on several occasions when adding a tang to my already established tangs in my tank
I agree, sounds like the YT is holding her own and fighting back. Your YT might end up becoming the more dominant tang of the two. I'd hang a mirror and maybe re-arrange some rocks, but honestly I think they'll knock it off in a few days once they establish hierarchy, which it sounds like they are doing. Is the Kole still tail-slapping, or just changing colors now?
I cant really see anything from the photo you posted, but when I mixed tangs in the past, it would often take a few days for them to tail slap each other and establish a pecking order. It sounds like that is what is going on here. If the Kole was normally the aggressor, its possible that the YT decided to slap back, and that is where the injury came from.

You can try to lesson the aggression by taping a mirror to the side of the tank. The fish will see their reflections and worry more about the same kind/color of fish than the other fish in the tank. I used this trick on several occasions when adding a tang to my already established tangs in my tank

When I use the mirror my kole gets so psycho that she won't eat. I'll keep an eye on things and we'll see.
When I first added my yellow tang (the one I picked up from oceancrazy), the first thing he did was push up against the foxface. He did that for a few days, but the foxface didn't even pay him any mind, and I guess the tang got bored and got over it.
When I first added my yellow tang (the one I picked up from oceancrazy), the first thing he did was push up against the foxface. He did that for a few days, but the foxface didn't even pay him any mind, and I guess the tang got bored and got over it.

The kole tang, Dory, because she is kinda dense sometimes, has gotten the point that the yellow isn't going to be pushed around.
However the problem area is the corner where the black wall for the overflow is. All the fish seem to like that area. No idea why. There are plenty of places to hide.

Did you see the yt picture under identification. He is pale yellow.
I agree, sounds like the YT is holding her own and fighting back. Your YT might end up becoming the more dominant tang of the two. I'd hang a mirror and maybe re-arrange some rocks, but honestly I think they'll knock it off in a few days once they establish hierarchy, which it sounds like they are doing. Is the Kole still tail-slapping, or just changing colors now?

She is just changing colors and avoiding the yellow. Now that the lights are off I'll see what happens. Sometimes that is the battle. The kole likes to fight at night. Maybe she's tired and cranky then. LOL