New Fish Kole Tang


I know that I don't know
Here are a couple of pictures of the new fish. He is doing awesome.

We were at the National Aquarium in Baltimore today and in some of their tanks they had romaine lettuce. Anyone ever feed their tangs or other fish veggies?


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I personally don't believe in feeding land based veggies to saltwater fish, algae has different nutritional values and they evolved to eat those. But if I was to feed a land based plant, I would feed dark greens or other colorful veggies. They would be more nutritious than romain lettuce
I personally don't believe in feeding land based veggies to saltwater fish, algae has different nutritional values and they evolved to eat those. But if I was to feed a land based plant, I would feed dark greens or other colorful veggies. They would be more nutritious than romain lettuce

I am with you. I had never seen that, but perhaps they have a reason. I did not ask.
My kole tangs alwys die. IDK why. But yeah i actually had one that was doing really good for a bit then out of no where he just died, my Yellow tang and Sailfin are great and have ben great for months now.
Some people feed their herbivorous fish lettuce, zucchini or broccoli. It's not uncommon, but I don't think veggies should be a replacement for a good quality frozen food and dried seaweed sheets.
Feeding marine herbivores terrestrial greens would be akin to feeding marine carnivores adult live brine shrimp.
It gives them an analogous food mass for roughage, but would not have all the vital nutrients that they need to live healthy lives.

So this would be an acceptable substitute in emergencies, but should not be used as a long term food.

When I had a Kole tang, it absolutely went nuts on caulerpa - and my expensive halimeda( :( ).
If you have some reefkeeping folks near you who are harvesting caulerpa for nutrient export, you should ask them for a few clippings.
Our new baby loving the seaweed salad on the clip. He wouldn't touch it until after the 6line ate it.
This is the third try. Kinda like when you start your kids on new foods. Lol


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Cute fish, but ours was a little devil. It wouldn't allow our goby on the sandbed..had to ditch the tang. Now we have a Magnificent Foxface, beautiful and a great fish. Not sure if we will get another tang anytime soon.. that kole tang was SO hard to catch, had to move just about every rock!