Whats wrong with my Frogspawn?


Reefing newb
It was opened and doing fine last night before lights out and today when I get home its horrible and looks like the middle is dying off. All my other fish, verts, nems and pests are doing fine. I did a 10% water change yesterday.

No parameters because I am out of Reagents.

I recently moved the frag to the mid light range in my tank and it was doing better than before. But now this...


  • Frogspawn 1.webp
    Frogspawn 1.webp
    18.8 KB · Views: 476
  • Frogspawn 2.webp
    Frogspawn 2.webp
    17.7 KB · Views: 512
If you did the water change yesterday, and it looked like that today, I'd bet there's something in the water.. Does anything else look "out of the ordinary"? Could it be possible that it was pooping or maybe it got bumped over? Is it near any other corals?
Its not near any other corals. I've been using the same RO/DI water I have always used and the same bucket w/ the same drip system. Maybe its pooping? I've never seen it poop before...
Its not near any other corals. I've been using the same RO/DI water I have always used and the same bucket w/ the same drip system. Maybe its pooping? I've never seen it poop before...

did it's mouth open up a lot? Or how long has it looked like that?
I'm not sure how long its looked like that. I just got home from work about 45 min ago. IDK if you can tell in the picture but there is something in the middle of it that looks like flesh.
I'm not sure how long its looked like that. I just got home from work about 45 min ago. IDK if you can tell in the picture but there is something in the middle of it that looks like flesh.

I think it might just be pooping..They usually open up their mouths and release a flesh-looking ball/mess of stuff..Check on it tomorrow and see how it looks :)
I would keep an eye on it. I have had isolated issues with hermit crabs munching on it and a peppermint shrimp eating it.

if nothing is bothering it, it could just be pissed off and retracted.