Wave Makers!


Reefing newb
Just wondering if anyone can provide guidance on where to put wave makers.
We have a 350 litre marine tank and a while back had lots of algae problems. Now got all this under control and everyone seems happy!! :)
However having read some information we did not feel that the one powerhead recommended by our LFS was sufficient.
Hubby bought a wavemaker with 4 pumps which should do tanks from 300-1200 litres. We positioned them at various points in the tank but no-one seemed happy - the fish were struggling to find somewhere comfy to sleep I think and were constantly struggling - our chromis specifically. We repositioned the pumps again 2 nights ago and today the chromis has not appeared (it was being bullied a bit by our clown fish so it could be to do with that - and we have just added a 6-line wrasse too - who incidentally as we speak seems to be having lots of fun in the currents!!)
Since abandoned 2 of the pumps and just have the original powerhead and 2 of the wave makers working at opposite ends of the tank.
Thus far we don't have many corals in the tank but our main sucessful coral does not seem to be liking the wave maker at all and whereas when the lights are on it expands and provides a beautiful green carpet - since the wave maker has been put in the tank it never opens out as much and stays in almost sleepy shrivel status - no matter where we put them.
The product did not come with any instructions and I have not found much of any use online so we are a bit lost. The timings I think can be adjusted from a matter of seconds to 3 minutes between pumps and it is the latter we have it currently set to.
Should we turn them off at night? Where are they best positioned? What timings are best? Is there a useful guide somewhere online that I have not found?
Any help appreciated.
Thanks so much in advance
With my wave maker i have the power heads pointed at the front glass. This diffuses the flow. On mine I have two korilas that put out 600gph each the alternate back and forth every 40 seconds. I also have a return pump that is pushing around 600 gph with the headloss factored in. combined with a Korilla nano at 425 that I have left to right and a hob filter that does another 500...so lets see thats 2125 divided by my 45 gallon tank I have a 47 times turn over rate....I dont seem to have the same issue as you. Make sure the flow is directed at the glass or empty space not directly at the corals. As far as the chromis...well the clown probably will harrass it to death. They are basical the same family and most of the time will not get along. Clowns can be very territorial.
With my wave maker i have the power heads pointed at the front glass. This diffuses the flow. On mine I have two korilas that put out 600gph each the alternate back and forth every 40 seconds. I also have a return pump that is pushing around 600 gph with the headloss factored in. combined with a Korilla nano at 425 that I have left to right and a hob filter that does another 500...so lets see thats 2125 divided by my 45 gallon tank I have a 47 times turn over rate....I dont seem to have the same issue as you. Make sure the flow is directed at the glass or empty space not directly at the corals. As far as the chromis...well the clown probably will harrass it to death. They are basical the same family and most of the time will not get along. Clowns can be very territorial.

Thanks for your response. I think we might have been a bit hasty buying the wavemakers and should have done more research as you can't really angle them very much at all - they swivel VERY slightly. We have tried to direct them to glass and open space. I attach a pic of the tank (sorry about the reflection) - the ones we have running are the top left and top right (which you can only just see) and the powerhead in the middle - the green coral down below is the one that does not seem so chuffed about things! Do you think we would be better off with out them? Shall I change them to 45 second alternating for now?
Thanks again


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Every tank is going to be different because of the shape, rock structure, etc...I think you are on the right track. Try to angle them so they dont blow right on anything and ya I think 45 seconds alternating would be good. I have friends that point the power heads at each other so they get a crashing tumble effect. Unfortunately its just something you are going to have to tinker with until you find the right mix. If they dont angle very well can you change the positions?