mini feather dusters out the wazzoo


Reefing newb
I tried doing some research and think they are mini feather dusters. They are in a white tube and have a white fan that comes out. They look like they filter feed. If you move to fast or go near then they retract real fast then slowly come back out.

My issue is they are everywhere and i think are making it easier for cyno to form in my tank as well as making it easy for red bubble algae to attach. What they do is when i am doing water changes or messing with the substrate they shoot a long single line of what looks like spider web into the water. It then catches anything that touches it. Any particles of sand or food in the air sticks to it and sorta just hovers there.

It is causing patches of detritus which seems to be where the cyno first starts to form and it forms fast. I try to suck out as much of it as i can with a turkey baster as well as break off the tubes and blow off the rock or suck up the stuff that has settled. But they are all over.

My question is there a way to get rid of them? fish? crab? shrimp? they really annoy the crap outta me :frustrat:
They sound more like vermetid snails to me. Vermetid snails shoot a spider web out, feather dusters do not. But they both live in tubes.

A wrasse would probably eat them. But I'm not so sure they are aiding the cyano and bubble algae. I've never heard of that.
looked up the vermetid snails. Definitly not that. But i see where you are coming from Biff thx for reply. :)
Im thinking now they are white tube worms. I will take a pic tonight when i get home. Some more research said peppermint shrimp will get rid of them. But would pep shrimp get eaten by my Coral Banded?
The only reason i think they are aiding to the cyno is because when the sand gets stirred while cleaning out the cyno again they catch everything. I will take some pics tonight to show ya what i mean. its cool but annoying.
found a pic online. This is what they look like.
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ok. here are a few pics tonight of the tubes all over and the white fan that comes out. Also 1 of the silk it sprays out. Lemme know what you think folks! :o)


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two different type of snails...first is a minni feather duster the string one is the vernaid. (how ever its spelled) I have both types in my tank and dont have cyno (*knock on wood*)
what i ment is they are assisting in the cyno due to grabbing crap in the water and bringing it to their tube. Then it just hovers and settles and the cyno covers it fast. Of course its only while i am trying to get rid of the outbreak not after it is gone.
I think i was confused on the look of the vermeted The tubes also seem to gather coroline algae fast also so the coloring i thought was just white. Im dumb lol.
Biff I should know better then to question ya! ;)
So now i guess is whats the best way do get rid of em. I wouldnt mind trying some peppermints as long as my CBS doesnt eat em. Only fish i have right now are my two clowns. Thx again everyone for the help