info on protein skimmer, i have no clue


Reefing newb
I'm trying to figure out what kind this is and what kind of pump I need and size. I have a 75 gallon tank. I also don't even know how to install pump into skimmed And also how yo even get it started. All the info could help thanks. Also yhr PVC pipe on the side slides up and down.
There are many manufacturers and many styles. With absolutely no information, there is no way that we can even start to help.

A picture of the skimmer and any model number or markings that appear on it can get us in the right direction at least.
2012-10-15 15.15.44.webp
There we go thats the skimmer I got for free. Im guessing the whole on the side is were the pump would go into with a pipe or I dont know even know how this thing works lol
Honestly, with the money you are going to spend to get that puppy up and running properly, you might as well buy a whole new skimmer!
I'm not 100% sure on everything, but I would think that the pump itself is going to be at least $100, then add various pvc connectors and a gate valve on top of that... it adds up quickly. I don't really know anything about that model, but a lot of skimmers also have a bubble plate inside the body of the skimmer to help create bubbles - I think to make one you would need a piece of plastic or acryllic specially cut to the dimensions of the inside of your skimmer and then you would need to drill multiple holes in it. Have no idea how you would mount it inside the body. Also doesn't look like there is a piece to draw air in, which I think is pretty typical for most skimmers that look similar to that one. Honestly I'm out of my element here and only responding based on what I've seen in other skimmers and in my own skimmer, so I'd definitely do a lot of research on this one. But just at quick glance, it looks like a pretty incomplete skimmer as is, beyond needing just a pump.
If that's all you have, sorry (hate to say it) but all you have is an expensive piece of plastic. Without the proper pump/fittings, it isn't going to do much for you, and the cost of those items is not worth it. I advise you look into purchasing a new skimmer, or find the parts that go to yours.
I'm not sure if it is an Eshopps brand skimmer but it does have the signature blue plastic pieces - so it could be.

From what I could tell, you are missing the following:
1. Venturi capable pump - and perhaps an adapter/bulkhead to fit the pump through the hole.
2. Air line for the venturi pump and the silencer that goes at the dry end of the air line.
3. Gate valve on the outlet side.
4. I do not know if the skimmer needs a bubble plate inside. A lot of the Eshopps that I see do not use one.

I agree with everyone above. The money involved in getting all the missing pieces could be better spend buying a new skimmer (or a used skimmer with all the parts).