I'm not 100% sure on everything, but I would think that the pump itself is going to be at least $100, then add various pvc connectors and a gate valve on top of that... it adds up quickly. I don't really know anything about that model, but a lot of skimmers also have a bubble plate inside the body of the skimmer to help create bubbles - I think to make one you would need a piece of plastic or acryllic specially cut to the dimensions of the inside of your skimmer and then you would need to drill multiple holes in it. Have no idea how you would mount it inside the body. Also doesn't look like there is a piece to draw air in, which I think is pretty typical for most skimmers that look similar to that one. Honestly I'm out of my element here and only responding based on what I've seen in other skimmers and in my own skimmer, so I'd definitely do a lot of research on this one. But just at quick glance, it looks like a pretty incomplete skimmer as is, beyond needing just a pump.