interesting Zoa spread from plug to rock

Hey - wanted throw up a picture of a zoa i have and how its spreading. The plug was placed on a rock a little over 7 months ago and its interesting how it has moved almost completely off the frag to the that normal for them?


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You know, I never thought about it, but the zoas I have glued to a rock have done way better than the ones on plugs. I wonder if they like the crevices in the rock. Nice zoas also!
I had this happen with a mushroom rock. They, "reached" away from the plug onto neighboring rock, eventually I just picked the plug up and reused it.
Palythoas utilize the rocks and sand from their substrate and incorporate them into their mats. Whether this is for nutrition or just structural strength, I do not know.
Maybe this is the same case for zoanthids.

Most frag plugs are made of inert material and the zoas/palys probably cannot use them so they move on to more natural rocks.