

Reefing newb
I was just wondering if i should be concerned.. Half of my frogspawn has become slightly faded in color.. the tips are usually dark purple with green underneath.. but half of it seems like its fading in color.. and the tentacles on the faded side do not extend as far as the other side.. this is new to me, and this has never happened before.. shine some light on what may be happening.. thanks!
heres a picture of my frogspawn..


  • frogspawn.jpg
    24.2 KB · Views: 232
bad picture.. bad camera.. but the left side of the coral is what im concerned with.. I think it may be my T5's? Its been about a year or so since ive changed bulbs..
I currently have a 4 bulb 54w T5 made by corallife.. I did re construct the aquascape a little bit.. but it looked like this before I did that.
just changed my bulbs and replaced the 54w coralife bulbs with 2 54w wavepoint actinics and 2 54w 12k wave point bulbs.. what a color difference! so much brighter.. hopefully that does the trick.